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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Beautiful University of Virginia Gardens

Last weekend I had my first UVA Garden wedding of the season and it was, without a doubt, the loveliest one I've done there. Amber & Charlie were married in Garden IX which is a Garden at the far end of the West Lawn that I'd never been in before. The Altar table with tall vases containing white orchids was created by Pat's Floral Designs. The curtain of hanging shells behind the altar made a beautiful tinkling sound throughout the ceremony as Charlie and Amber exchanged their vows. To honor Amber's Filipino heritage we included 2 lovely rituals called the veil and the cord which were facilitated by an aunt and uncle who accepted the role of Sponsors for the newly married couple.

After the ceremony the couple's reception was held just next door in Garden VII... another lovely University garden I hadn't visited before. Jennifer Carroll of Jennifer Carroll Events had absolutely outdone herself for this garden wedding. The tables, flowers, menus, lanterns in the trees, orchids and candles floating in huge clear glass vases... just everything was done to perfection. Everywhere you looked the garden environment blended seamlessly into Jennifer's beautiful, artistic design... made me smile just to look at it.

Amber and Charlie had a very unique wedding cake that I wanted to share too... created by Anita Gupta of Maliha Creations... in the shape of the University of Virginia Rotunda. So, now I know for sure that there is no cake that Anita can't create... I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would say?

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