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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

10 Fun, and Possibly Useful, Wedding Blogs

There are dozens, no, hundreds (thousands?) of wedding blogs out there. Truthfully, there are lots that I wouldn't give a second look at and a huge number that have been abandoned... that is they are no longer being posted to but are still sitting out there in the blogosphere.

Over the past 6 months I've run across a fair number of interesting, unusual, fun and sometimes useful wedding blogs that are being kept current and today I am happy to pass these links along to you.

Hope you have fun checking these out and if you have a favorite of your own please let me know.... if I get enough suggestions I'll do another post on wedding blogs!

Here's my list (in no particular order)... enjoy!:
  1. The Bride's Cafe edgy, sophisticated, romantic
  2. Wedding Bee
  3. Wedlok gettin' hitched in style
  4. DC NearlyWeds
  5. Off Beat Bride taffeta-free alternatives for independent brides
  6. Wedding Fanatic
  7. The Handcrafted Wedding the cure for the common wedding
  8. Always a Bridesmaid ask us your pressing wedding questions
  9. Groom Groove a blog for the groom - quick tips and information for grooms, the best man, groomsmen and wedding mcs
  10. Bridal Cheek a journey toward non-traditional wedded bliss, with style


Anonymous said...

We're honored! Thanks for the mention! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for including us!!!