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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wedding in a Field

Diana and Tom had their wedding last Saturday morning out in Albemarle County on Diana's family's land... literally right out in a field, it was very green, lush and scenic! The land had a natural slope that provided a mini-amphitheater feel to it and the groom had the chairs set up in curved rows so that everyone felt tucked in and included.

Diana and Tom included a couple of unique additions to their ceremony including the calling of the directions, in the Native American tradition, and a modified Handfasting ritual, both of which were meaningful and especially appropriate to the setting.

One of my own favorite parts of the day was the couple's beautiful dog, Elsa, with her lovely flower collar created especially for the occasion! Billy Hunt was their photographer and as soon as I have some of his photos to share I'll post them here.

Diana and Tom have known each other since childhood and having many of their family and mutual long-time friends in attendance was especially sweet for them... many blessings to both of you!

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