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Thursday, May 8, 2008

UVA Chapel in May

Well, of course I've written a fair number of posts highlighting the University of Virginia Chapel but it never fails to be a wonderful venue... especially full of meaning for the couples who choose to marry there often because the University was where they first met.

Last weekend this beautiful couple, Lauren and Aprotim, were married at the Chapel. Their ceremony included 2 simple rituals to honor their cultural and religious backgrounds. To honor Aprotim's family's tradition the couple exchanged beautiful flower garlands which, in India, signify not only a formal greeting but also respect and acceptance.

Later in the ceremony, to honor Lauren's background, a Unity Candle ceremony was performed symbolizing these two unique individuals now joining to create a marriage partnership... the entire ceremony was very special and lovely. Lauren's bridesmaids wore red dresses which with bright bouquets which complemented the garlands and really lit up the Chapel.

I was happy to find that DJ Derek Tobler was present to handle the music and microphone, Jason and Tammy Keefer took pictures (can't wait to see them!) and Karen, from Hedge was the creator of the beautiful bouquets and garlands. Thanks to everyone for their great work and best of luck to you Lauren and Aprotim!

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