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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Beautiful Veritas Vineyard in May

Last Saturday I had my first Veritas Vineyard wedding of the year and, as always, it was a beautiful event. Stacey and Adam had a bit of a windy day for their ceremony and the bride's veil would not stay out of her face... so about halfway thru the ceremony it occurred to me that if Adam and Stacey switched places that the wind would blow her veil away from her (wish I'd thought of that sooner!). So, much to their guests delight everyone switched sides and we continued the ceremony without a hitch! It's those funny and unexpected little moments that make the best memories!

Hopefully my photos here will give you just a small feel for how beautiful everything was at the Vineyard last weekend and how happy Adam and Stacey were! After an hour-long cocktail hour in the tasting room and on the decks all of the guests were invited into the Veritas ballroom for an evening of wonderful food, music and fun. As always, Chris Hurley, was there to make sure that every little detail was handled without a problem... I don't know how she does it!

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