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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Maymont - Richmond, VA

This past weekend I was fortunate to find myself performing a wedding ceremony for Laura and James in the Italian Garden at Maymont in Richmond. Maymont is a 100+ acre estate, garden, arboretum and Museum right in the City of Richmond. Although I haven't spent as much time as I'd like exploring all of the beautiful buildings and gardens I can say that what I have seen of Maymont is truly unique, diverse and especially amazing to find right in a large metropolitan area.

Maymont's website provides comprehensive information about it's history and facilities as well as about the property's availability for weddings and other events. Even without a detailed knowledge of Maymont's history I can tell you that it is a charming place for a wedding with many locations to choose from. As you can see here the Italian Garden is a beautiful columned site and the Japanese Garden which is just down the hill is equally attractive with a lovely waterfall and bridge that makes it unique.

So, whether you're looking for a wedding venue or just want to spend a beautiful day in the park Maymont shouldn't be missed. To inquire about the availability of your date and to set up an appointment for a walk-through please contact Maymont's rental coordinator at 804-358-7166, ext. 309 or e-mail

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