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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Christine & Jeff - UVA Chapel & Alumni Hall

After more than a year of thoughtful long-distance planning this beautiful couple were married this past weekend at the UVA Chapel after which their guests were shuttled over to Alumni Hall for a warm and welcoming cocktail hour and reception. Anyone could tell that everything chosen for this ceremony and reception was given a great deal of consideration as the choices were all elegant and unique. Everything from the garland of flowers arching over the chapel doors to the fun and unique wheatgrass table decoration at the reception was truly lovely and special.

Their ceremony too was filled with special elements... everything from the 3 movie-quote readings at the very beginning of the ceremony (my favorite was from Love Actually... the one that begins, "whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think of the arrivals gate at the airport...") to a poem that Christine had broken up into sections that she and Jeff said back and forth to each other as part of their vows. Lots of tears and laughter... what could be better?!?!

This was my first wedding reception at the Alumni Hall and I was actually surprised at how cozy and intimate this large place felt. The two large fireplaces and lots of wonderful UVA memorabilia and photos that grace the halls certainly added to the warm feeling.

Congratulations Christine and Jeff... I wish you a happy and prosperous life together... thank you for the honor of marrying you!

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