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Friday, February 22, 2008

Jennifer Carroll: Event Planner Extraordinaire!

Everyday I hear from the couples I work with what a daunting and time-consuming task wedding planning can be. The many details, choices and decisions can be overwhelming. If you are feeling this way you might consider getting some help and the first person that comes to mind for me is Jennifer Carroll.

I’ve had the privilege of working with Jennifer and her wonderful staff on several weddings and am looking forward to those we will be doing together in the coming season. Jenn is a complete professional with years of experience and a true gift for creating strikingly beautiful, unique and memorable wedding experiences for the couples she works with. In my capacity as Wedding Minister she unfailingly makes my job a complete joy, working closely with me so that the rehearsal and ceremony come off without a hitch. A real plus is that she has a wonderful sense of humor which is so important!

My words can not do justice to Jenn’s magic so please visit her website so that you can see the many wonderful photos of weddings that she has planned as well as detailed information about her services and products.

Jennifer offers many levels of service to couples… everything from her Complete Wedding Planning package (Peony) all the way to Day-Of (Hydrangea) and A la Carte services.

If you're just not sure that hiring a wedding planner is right for you her FAQ page may be helpful in deciding... but if you're considering this option at all my best recommendation is that you simply pick up the phone and give her a call, you'll be glad you did. You can reach Jennifer at 434-823-7607.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. Jen is super! I am so glad I found your blog. All the best, Jen Fariello