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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Green Tip: A Greener Valentine's Day

With Valentine's Day coming up tomorrow I thought I'd share some great articles and resources I've come across on how to make more conscious choices in your giving.

This year I received my Valentine's Day surprise a little early: On Monday an envelope arrived addressed to my husband. It said "Thank you for Adopting a Manatee"... it was a give-away and, of course, I couldn't wait 'til Thursday to open it. Sure enough my funny and thoughtful honey had adopted a Manatee for me for Valentine's Day. I guess he has finally figured out that I'm just not a flowers and chocolates kind of girl! If you want to know more about this wonderful Valentine's Day option visit the Save the Manatee website. In addition to info. and a photo of my new adoptee, "Howie", I got 2 very sweet little plush manatees to remind me of my new status as adoptive manatee mom.

So... back to the resources I have for you...
I wish you a peaceful, loving and green day of love!

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