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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Inspiration for You

I know this is a little different from my usual post... but hey, it's my blog so I can do it!! This may seem a little off topic, but after thinking about it I realized that it really isn't. I perform a lot of wedding ceremonies for couples who come from differing faith, racial and/or cultural backgrounds. These differences can present unique challenges on many levels when planning a wedding. Sometimes, in fact, when these differences are distressing enough to the couple's families there can be a huge amount of focus on how best to bridge these apparent disparities and make everyone happy... sometimes it can be done, and sometimes it can't.

So, today I found this amazing little video on a website called God Bless Humanity that, to me, expresses the oneness that lies at the very heart of these outer differences. If you are planning an Interfaith wedding and are encountering these challenges in your own lives I hope that you will take some inspiration from it. And, if you aren't planning a wedding at all and just happened by I hope that you will do the same. Here's the video.

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