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Monday, November 19, 2007

House Mountain Inn - Lexington, VA

I know that the House Mountain Inn isn't exactly in the "Charlottesville Area" but it's not too far away and it's such a lovely location that I wanted to include it here. To be fair, it's about 80 miles from Charlottesville, just outside of Lexington, VA and takes an hour and 20 minutes to get there.

The House Mountain Inn, a newly constructed (2004) rustic bed & breakfast, has 9 beautiful rooms and is tucked away in the mountains with truly magnificent views. The huge front porch and incredible stone fireplace in the great room are a couple of my favorite features.

This weekend was the first time I'd been to the Inn in the fall and the color was magnificent. In the spring and summer I've done weddings outdoors with the mountains as a backdrop but this weekend the ceremony was held in front of the fireplace with dozens of candles burning all around. The Inn's amazing Jaime Irvine handled every imaginable detail for Nancy and Stephen's ceremony and reception and made my job completely stress-free.

If you'd like to visit the Inn or just get more information give Jaime a call at 540-464-4004.

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