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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Baby Blessing

I know this is slightly off topic, but I've been wanting to share this with you ... this summer I had the privilege of creating and performing a Baby Blessing ceremony for the 6-month old son of a wonderful couple that I married a couple of years ago. Christine, Reed, Baby Elijah and about 15 friends and family gathered together at a shady spot, near the creek, on Reed & Christine's Albemarle County property to welcome Elijah to the family, to the community and to life.

After smudging ourselves with burning sage we shared prayers, blessings, poetry and heartfelt personal messages with each other and with Elijah. Reed and Christine each vowed to always be there to love and support Elijah as he grows into his future. Finally, we performed a little water blessing, anointing Elijah's hands, feet and head, using the same copper pitcher from Reed's family that we'd used in their wedding ceremony.

Baby Elijah cooed, smiled and wiggled his way through the ceremony and there was laughter and tears all around... all in all a blessing to everyone in attendance. What a wonderful way to welcome and bless a new life!

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