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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Including Your Pets in Your Wedding

Lots of people are in love with their animals... including me (I have a dog and 3 cats) ... and want to find a way to have them participate in their wedding ceremony. Believe it or not I've actually had 2 brides carry their dog down the aisle instead of a bouquet! Generally speaking I'm always very happy when critters are included and there are many ways to do it. In the photos here you see Herbie the Love Bug (that's his full name) wearing his doggy tux. He was well behaved enough to actually stand up (or sit down) with the groomsmen through the entire ceremony. I'd have to guess that Herbie had more pictures taken of him than the bride did! Herbie's Mom (the bride) was a veterinarian so dogs and horses were an important part of the day. The other pup here, Coltrane, was the ring bearer in his parent's ceremony. When it came time to bless and exchange the rings he trotted right down the aisle (accompanied by a friend of the couple) with them tied to his collar with a ribbon... another big hit, naturally!

So, if you are thinking of including your beloved pet in your ceremony don't hesitate to find a way... ask your Minister or Officiant to help. Sometimes a couple will tell me that their dog is just too excitable to actually participate. Then, at the very least, the couple will have some pre-wedding photos taken that include their pets. After all, they're an important part of the family and including them in the celebration makes perfect sense!

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