This past Saturday, September 15th, I did my first
University of Virginia garden wedding of the year.
Garden VIII is an incredible location for a ceremony. It does have a few logistical challenges for the processional but it's so lovely and cozy that the challenges are easily overcome! UVA has ten beautiful gardens, all behind Thomas Jefferson's unique serpentine walls and many of which make beautiful wedding venues.
Megan and Mark got married in front of about 125 of their friends and family. They chose a simple, no-frills (no ritual) ceremony that was full of warmth and love.

After the ceremony the entire group followed the Bride and Groom to the steps of the
Rotunda for a group photo. The Rotunda, designed by Charlottesville's own patron saint (only kidding), Thomas Jefferson, was the original library for the University but now houses historical exhibits and artifacts for the University.
If you are interested in looking into booking a UVA Garden, or other location, for your wedding call the reservations office in Newcomb Hall at: 434-924-3601.